Monday, November 29, 2010
Real Vs. Fake
First of all I want to say I love real and have always endorsed real; it’s so beautiful and natural! But we all know that as time goes by real starts to droop and it can become a hassle to maintain. I’ve come to the age where I want everything to look perfect because, let’s face it, I’m shallow like that.
Growing up it was engrained in me to always stay real; my mother was very adamant about that. She swore she would always stay real but through the years several of her friends have gone fake and raved about it. Like most of us, she wanted to go a bit bigger so she did her research and decided it was time to take the plunge. That was over five years ago and she seems to be very happy with her decision. And I have to say I was impressed with the end result; very natural and just the perfect size!
I also have quite a few friends with fakes and they are so happy. I was actually astonished to hear that a few of my friends got theirs when they were either in school or straight out of college! Before having kids! That seems like such a waste if you ever plan on having kids since they pretty much destroy everything and let’s face it, after you have kids nothing ever goes back to the way it was, but I digress...
Once my friends heard I was thinking about it they gave me lots of advice and recommend several websites to visit, which leads me to another issue: cost. Going fake is so expensive! Seriously, this is not the time to bargain shop (and you know how I hate to pay full price for anything)! You want something that looks real and natural so you’re going to have to shell out the big bucks. A lot of places offer financing but I don’t feel right borrowing money for something like this. It’s so sacred to me and I feel that it would cheapen the experience for me.
I tried to talk to my hubby about it but he doesn’t really care one way or another and he pretty much told me to do what ever will make me happy. Well I know I have every right to be selfish about this because this is a big deal to me but I also want him to be happy too. This will be just as much for him as it is for me.
So my friends, it is now time for you to weigh in and I really want your honest opinions because they matter to me. Should I get a real tree or fake tree for Christmas this year?
Adios ya’ll!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Working Mom apologizes.....
I must first apologize to you for not keeping in touch. Just because I don’t always write to you doesn’t mean that I don’t care. It’s not you, it’s me. I’ve been busy and I haven’t had the time to devote to you that you need. I’ve missed you and I hope you’ve missed me. Can we give it another try? Yes? Good!
Well now that’s out of the way, I have another apology to make. I want to apologize because it seems that I’m a really huge wuss and a total backer-outer (for those who don’t know what a backer-outer is it is someone who backs out of things; i.e., me). I have said very loudly and to anyone that would listen that I am running a half-marathon on my birthday. I come before you today to beg your forgiveness because I am a liar. I’m a liar, a wuss, and a backer-outer. I am also very weak because after I attempted to run a 5K this weekend I realized there was no way in God’s green earth that I would survive 13.1 miles. In four weeks. For Pete’s sake, I couldn’t even run 3 miles! I was the very LAST runner to cross the finish line and that was after I got smoked by a 12 year old, a 75 year old, and a pancreatic cancer survivor. You think I’m kidding? Well I’m not. I was proud of myself that I finished but I am not naive enough to believe that I will be ready to run a half marathon in less than four weeks. So to make it official, I will not be running in a half marathon on my birthday.
I may be a liar, a wuss, and a backer-outer but I am not a quitter! I fully intend to keep running and will eventually conquer a half marathon. It’ll be sooner rather than later too because I’m going to defer my registration to next year’s marathon so I’d better get my rear in gear.
Phew! I’m glad I got that off my chest.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Where was I?
I was in my car listening to 96 Rock in the parking lot when somebody called in to say that a plane had crashed into one of the WTC towers. I had to turn it off because I was going to be late for class. At that point it was speculated that was just a small plane so when I arrived in my class I told my classmates about it. No one else knew about it. We sat in the classroom and chatted about it but then our professor had come in so we started class. It was a light day and we were out after about 30 minutes.
That was my only class that day so I called Daddy to tell him I was on my way home and ask if he had heard any more about the plane crash. He told me a second plane had crashed into the other tower and that one had crashed into the Pentagon. He said it was a planned attack. An attack? On America? Who would do such a thing?
I walked in the door and Daddy was glued to the television (just like the rest of the world). I remember looking at him first, then the tv. As I turned my head and my eyes focused on the screen, I watched in horror as the south tower fell. I made it to the couch just before my knees gave out.
We sat in stunned silence until we heard about a fourth plane that had crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. It was speculated that one was headed to Washington DC.
The rest of the day was pretty much a blur after the second tower fell. We grieved for all of the lives lost, for all of the families affected, and for our country.
A few days after the attacks I turned off CNN and turned on Comedy Central because I needed a laugh. I tuned in to see the first post-attack episode of The Daily Show with John Stewart. I listened to his opening monologue; there was one thing he said that I will never forget and it was a personal anecdote. He said it with a shaky voice and tears in his eyes: “The view from my apartment was the World Trade Center and now it’s gone…but do you know what the view is now? It’s the Statue of Liberty. The view from the south of Manhattan is now the Statue of Liberty. You can’t beat that.”
I am thankful for every soldier that fights for our nation’s freedom. I am thankful for all of the police officers and firefighters who keep our families safe. I pray for every person that died on that horrible day and I pray for their families.
I will never forget. I promise.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The Working Mom Runneth...
This decision was not made lightly. It took a giant plate of nachos and three margaritas to decide that this was the best idea I have ever had in my entire life! I’ll tell you a secret: that’s how I get most of my best ideas. Well, now that I think about it, that’s also how I get some of my worst ideas…but I digress….
I decided to start running a few weeks ago and I have been “training” ever since. I use the term training loosely because the last time I worked out I didn’t have any children. Needless to say, I am out of shape. In the past 3 weeks I have been able to fully run 1.25 miles without passing out or dying so I feel that is a very big accomplishment. Also, I found out something really important during this time: running is waaaaaay harder than walking.
It is very important to me that I stay motivated so I charge YOU with holding me accountable for my progress. Thank you, dear friend, for all of your help and encouraging words (such as: “Are you out of your freaking mind?!?!”, “Hopefully you won’t die.”, etc…).
I’ll check in with you after some of my runs and tell you about my highs and lows as well as ask for some advice when I feel that I can’t go on.
So until next time….
Adios ya’ll!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
It’s not Midnight Sun but it will do….
I squealed with excitement today. I actually squealed and made the “SQUEE!” sound when I heard the news. Stephenie Meyer is publishing a new novella* tied to Eclipse! And it’s coming out in June! And it’s going to be FREE!
Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with anything and everything Twilight. I have read all of the books multiple times and seen all of the movies multiple times (I even have a questionably downloaded copy that I procured from a very dear friend of mine); I own all of the soundtracks and I even have Wolf Pack PJs (but everyone knows I will forever be Team Edward); I have an embarrassingly vast knowledge of Twilight trivia and, on more than one occasion, have fantasized about becoming a vampire. I am a Twihard**. I proudly let my Twilight Freak Flag fly.
According to Stephie’s website (that’s what I call her because we’re tight like that), the novella titled The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner focuses on the newborn vampire Bree that we met in Eclipse. It’s basically the last week of her vampire life as a part of Victoria’s vampire army. Stephenie originally wrote this story as part of The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide. The story was deemed too long by her publishers, who later offered to publish it on its own, coinciding with the upcoming release of the Eclipse movie.
I’m pretty sure this will be a very anti-Cullen book but I’m willing to give it a chance, especially since I won’t fully be satisfied until she releases all of Midnight Sun. All of you Twihards know exactly what I’m talking about.
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner will go on sale at 12:01 a.m. June 5 and for every book sold she will donate $1 to the Red Cross. However, if you are cheap thrifty like me, you’ll want to wait for June 7 because the story will be available for free at until July 5 as a thank you to all of her loyal fans. On behalf of Twihards everywhere, I graciously thank you Stephenie. Now what about Midnight Sun?
* A fancy word for short story
** It’s a real term. It’s very common. You can google it. ;)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I Love The Oscars!
ABC Pre-show:
Kathy Ireland? Seriously? She looks so different. Must have had a face lift.
Helen Mirren looks beautiful! I hope I’m that hot when I’m her age.
J-Lo’s dress is gorgeous but what’s up with her hair? It looks so messy
SJP looks so rough! I love her so much but somebody jacked up her Mystic tan. Maybe it’s the HD…
Cameron Diaz looks hawt! She looks so young!
8:15: Taylor Lautner sighting #1!
Whoopi Poise commercial – WTH?!?
Tina Fey looks beautiful but I would have had fancier hair…
Who was the goober standing next to Gerard Butler? He’s already good looking; he doesn’t need a dork to make him look better.
Kate Winslet!!!! You are my favorite!!!! You always look so beautiful!!!!
8:25: Taylor Lautner sighting #2 with interview!!!
Last night I saw Julie and Julia; so loving Meryl! I’m a little dismayed by her low cut dress because she looks like she has no cleavage. It’s just odd.
Neil Patrick Harris!!!! The sparkly tux suits him.
8:30: Taylor Lautner sighting #3 – in the audience with Kristen Stewart
Loving Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin! Old school shtick
Damn Helen Mirren = Dame Helen Mirren; classic!
8:43 Taylor Lautner #4
Best Supporting Actor – Christoph Waltz, excellent speech; heartfelt and not too long. Unfortunately I haven’t seen the movie yet but it’s next in our Netflix queue.
Has anybody noticed that nobody smiles in the audience when they cut to commercial? Is it that boring?
Cameron Diaz doesn’t look as good. That makes me feel better :)
Up won for Best Animated Film! I loved that movie! It was such a great story and I really… Squirrel!
Amanda Seyfried and Miley Cyrus seriously have the biggest dresses I have seen! It looks like the Tooth Fairy exploded.
Is it just me or is T Bone Burnett James Cameron’s doppelganger?
Hey Robert Downey Jr.! The Mad Hatter called and wants his bowtie back.
Molly Ringwald looks like a deer caught in headlights, Jud Nelson looks like he’s channeling Johnny Depp, and Macaulay Culkin still looks like he’s 9.
9:28 – Taylor Lautner #5
Zoe Saldana’s dress is gorgeous from the waist up; from the waist down she looks like Carmen Miranda.
Holy cow! Total Kanye moment for the Best Documentary Short! The co-winner for the Oscar just interrupted the other winner’s speech. So odd!
I didn’t see Avatar but Ben Stiller is freaking me out! Love the tail!
Ana Kendrick nominated for an Academy Award. Jessica Stanley you’ve come so far!
I love that Mo’nique won an Oscar. It’s not every day a comedian wins one. I expected her speech to have a least one funny quip but she looked like she was about to pass out so I’ll forgive her.
Ok so I haven’t seen Taylor in about 30 minutes and I’m feeling sleepy so I’m going to bed. Good luck to all the nominees still to come; I know you’ll all reading this so I wanted to send you my best wishes.
Adios y’all!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I am so sorry....
I know you were disappointed when you checked in and saw there wasn’t a new post. You might have even cried at little. If that is the case I am truly, deeply sorry. But fear not! I have returned with a glorious new post and it’s a goody. This recipe is a favorite around my house, especially in the summer time. In fact, I just finished making it for the kiddo’s Teacher Appreciation Dessert Fest tomorrow. FYI, being the wife and daughter of a teacher I know how under-appreciated they are so don’t forget to tell the teachers in your life how important they are. Love to all you teachers out there! Mwah!
Anywho, this is an awesome dessert. And it’s ridiculously easy. I give you…
Chocolate Chip Banana Pudding
8 oz. sour cream (don’t freak out, I swear it’s divine and you don’t taste it)
8 oz. frozen whipped topping, thawed
5 oz. package instant vanilla pudding
2 cups milk (whole works best but if you’re watching your waistline/it’s all you have in the house, any kind is fine)
2 packages of break and bake chocolate chip cookies (I prefer Tollhouse but I’m a cookie snob)*
3-4 bananas, peeled and sliced**
Bake cookies according to directions on the package.
In a large bowl combine sour cream, whipped topping, pudding mix, and milk. In the bottom of a 9 x 13 baking pan (or a trifle bowl or casserole dish or whatever you have handy) put a layer of cookies and bananas, then a layer of pudding mixture. Alternate until all ingredients have been used. I try really hard to have enough of my prettiest cookies to go on top. It makes for a very nice presentation.
*If you don’t have time to bake cookies you can just pick up a bag of Chips Ahoy and use them instead. But I wouldn’t because the fresh taste so much better. Trust me.
** Try brushing your sliced bananas with a little lemon juice to keep them from turning brown. They won’t taste lemon-y if you just use a little, I swear.
And there you have it! The world’s best and easiest banana pudding! And if you’re a dire hard traditional banana pudding lover you can substitute the chocolate chip cookies with vanilla wafers but where’s the fun in that? Oh and FYI, I don’t use all of the cookies. I bake them all, use the prettiest ones and eat the rest. And I highly recommend taking one (or all) of your fresh baked cookies and swirling them around in the bowl of leftover pudding mixture. Yummy!
And my hubby just told me I need to give credit where credit is due for my recipe (which I totally was going to do, btw). My mother discovered the sour cream banana pudding recipe a while ago and has been making it for years. Delicious! I got the idea of pairing it with chocolate chip cookies after a visit to Swallow at the Hollow in Roswell. It’s a magnificent BBQ place with live music and incredible food, which includes Chocolate Chip Banana Pudding. Now they make theirs from scratch, right down to the whipped cream, and it is marvelous! Make sure you go there if you’re ever in the area and I recommend ANYTHING on the menu.
Adios ya’ll!