I squealed with excitement today. I actually squealed and made the “SQUEE!” sound when I heard the news. Stephenie Meyer is publishing a new novella* tied to Eclipse! And it’s coming out in June! And it’s going to be FREE!
Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with anything and everything Twilight. I have read all of the books multiple times and seen all of the movies multiple times (I even have a questionably downloaded copy that I procured from a very dear friend of mine); I own all of the soundtracks and I even have Wolf Pack PJs (but everyone knows I will forever be Team Edward); I have an embarrassingly vast knowledge of Twilight trivia and, on more than one occasion, have fantasized about becoming a vampire. I am a Twihard**. I proudly let my Twilight Freak Flag fly.
According to Stephie’s website (that’s what I call her because we’re tight like that), the novella titled The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner focuses on the newborn vampire Bree that we met in Eclipse. It’s basically the last week of her vampire life as a part of Victoria’s vampire army. Stephenie originally wrote this story as part of The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide. The story was deemed too long by her publishers, who later offered to publish it on its own, coinciding with the upcoming release of the Eclipse movie.
I’m pretty sure this will be a very anti-Cullen book but I’m willing to give it a chance, especially since I won’t fully be satisfied until she releases all of Midnight Sun. All of you Twihards know exactly what I’m talking about.
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner will go on sale at 12:01 a.m. June 5 and for every book sold she will donate $1 to the Red Cross. However, if you are cheap thrifty like me, you’ll want to wait for June 7 because the story will be available for free at www.breetanner.com until July 5 as a thank you to all of her loyal fans. On behalf of Twihards everywhere, I graciously thank you Stephenie. Now what about Midnight Sun?
* A fancy word for short story
** It’s a real term. It’s very common. You can google it. ;)
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